• Hallo Gast, wir suchen den Renner der Woche 🚴 - vielleicht hast du ein passendes Rennrad in deiner Garage? Alle Infos


  1. Mr.K

    Scatola movimento centrale d'artigano | Tretlagergehaeuse - Rahmenbau-Liebe Im Detail (Handwerkskunst) | elaborate bottom bracket shells

    Godio „Spirito Godio was a bike racer in the years 1938 to 1952 and then started to make his own bicycles in the town of Borgomanero near Milan. He made bikes until about 1995 at age 80“ https://www.flickr.com/photos/8379107@N03/albums/72157600517339632/...
  2. Mr.K

    Scatola movimento centrale d'artigano | Tretlagergehaeuse - Rahmenbau-Liebe Im Detail (Handwerkskunst) | elaborate bottom bracket shells

    🤩 Wow, was für eine Bilder- und Wissensansammlung hier. 🤩 Kompliment 🤓 Danke fürs Teilen 👍✌️
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