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Scatola movimento centrale d'artigano | Tretlagergehaeuse - Rahmenbau-Liebe Im Detail (Handwerkskunst) | elaborate bottom bracket shells

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Massa Lombarda, Emilia-Romagna 1963-2006

founder Giovanni Rivola (1925-1996) fu Fausto&Gianni

since 1963, first in the basement/cellar of the house and from 1964 @ Via Amendola, Massa Lombarda, Emilia-Romagna till 2006

build & brazed by Gianni Rivola, Rivola family member & inhouse framebuilder from 1978 till 1993.
Learnd for two years, with twice-weekly visit, from maestro artigiano from Bologna, Umberto Chiesa, who build in the early career of Felice Gimondi his frames, or later under Rivola for Jose Manuel Fuente 'el tarangu' (Kas his team), quadruple consecutive winner of the green (mountain) jersey at the Giro, record holder, in Merckx words, the greatest climber of modern cycling. (Eddy said that 1972)

Rivola Competition

from 1984 supposedly ;- )

frame pinned and partially brazed over a coal-fired furnace using legno dolce - softwood {literally sweed wood}
The first brazing method used to join head tube, bottom bracket shell and seat tube was brazing with a coal-fired furnace (softwood-based), which took about an hour and a half. Therefor no frame jig could be used, instead the frame tubes were preattached through the techique of pinning, using (metal) pins. The rear triangle and dropouts were brazed separately with a brazing torch and Castolin to create a stronger joint.

20 labour hours for a frame - almost three (business) days

preferred lugs Cinelli!

Cinelli SCM scatola
Campagnolo 1010/b forcellini

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Firenze, Toscana (from Toscana, concretizing from the gates of grosseto, is Giuseppe "Pino" PelĂ , his alumni Irio Tommasini is from Grosseto, and il sarto Faliero Masi is from Sesto Fiorentino, a comune in the metropolitan are of Firenze)

quattro fagioli four beans bottom bracket shell cut out of PelĂ 

brazed by Irio Tommasini

no fork


fillet brazed

fork is actually for Paterlini I would guess, actually a german brand with frames from italy, most prominent framebuilder providing them with Paterlini frames, was Piero Serena* from Brescia.

*brazed over a coal-fired furnace (Holzkohlenglutbett), and kept always his procedure secret, and brazed/operated alone, locked himself up, was also kind a cellar / basement (similar to the beginnings of Rivola). Since he brazed over a coal forge no fame jig could be used, instead he pinned his frame tubes and lugs. puntatura & spine | Stiften & Stifte

Roberto Visenti rode always Serena s.

allestita Gipiemme CronoSpecial seatpillar / reggisella, mozzi / hubs, pinze freni / brake calipers / serie sterzo / headset maybe??? and last but least the rear derailleur / cambio posteriore

(noch im Besitz des Hauses Paterlini, hier im Forum gezeigt worden bereits)
Crono(metro) strada

Zeitfahren / time trial road

by il vulcano di Brescia [(BS), Lombradia] Piero Serena
brazed over a coal-fired furnace (Holzkohlenglutbett), and kept always his procedure secret, and brazed/operated alone, locked himself up, was also kind a cellar / basement (similar to the beginnings of Rivola). Since he brazed over a coal forge no fame jig could be used, instead he pinned his frame tubes and lugs. puntatura & spine | Stiften & Stifte

Roberto Visenti rode always Serena s.

by probably
F.lli Ravazzolo states owner of this site (https://mosercollection.jimdofree.com/curiositĂ /)* on facebook december 2020

1982 top model

Chierici, Parma - investment cast bottom bracket shell | Feinguss Trelagergehaeuse | scatola movimento centrale microfusa a cera persa

braze-on front derailleur | Anloet Umwerfer | cambio-deragliatore anteriore a saldare

Campagnolo 1010/b porta catena

*entry June 2018:

Period 77-79

For the models of this period there is no catalogue: the company had not yet developed and the frames were produced by third parties (there is very little information on this period and therefore I try to reconstruct based on the models seen and on my experience).

All frames (regardless of range) from this period had decals (I have seen several versions), were produced by third parties and were not pantographed Moser. Basically, Moser decals were just applied. I have seen Derosa, Milani, Frejus, etc. frames.

The high-end frames of this period have these characteristics

- produced by established subcontractors;

- well-finished lugs;

- high-end Columbus tubing (SL);

- front & rear Campagnolo dropouts.

Period 79-82

The models from this period are those in the 1982 catalogue. The company continued to work with subcontractors but the frames had Moser pantographs. The most famous subcontractors from this period are F.lli Ravazzolo, Antonio Taverna (Vetta), MaZa, etc.

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